- HAND WRITINGS OF REALITY: That Scornful Look! You Can Never Tell Who Will Be Of Help To You...


Inspirational, Love, Relationship, Everyday Reality, Faith...

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Monday, 14 January 2019

That Scornful Look! You Can Never Tell Who Will Be Of Help To You...


I felt I should share this story with you this morning, I'm sure you will learn something from it. It happened sometimes early last year. It was a busy day of the week, I had a document to pick up from an office but it was not ready so I had to hang around while they work on it. I went to sit under a tree close by, I saw three ladies taking photos on this beautiful background; one was posing, another the photographer and the third person was waiting. 

They were all happy, giggling and laughing. So, I approached the one waiting for some shots and she was like "what?" with this look of disdain on her face. As though I spoke in French or my request was something too much to ask. I was startled and embarrassed, I just couldn't believe her reactions so I quietly left them and went back to where I was sitting. I was just pressing my phone and one of the ladies said "hello! You want some shots right?" and I reluctantly said yes. 

I wanted to turn her down but I felt she was trying to make up for her friend's attitude. So, I tried to smile for photo sake. Believe me, none of the photos was good not because I was not smiling nor because I'm not beautiful (laughing) but simply because my photographer was just doing it to fulfill all righteousness. You won't believe it, immediately I told her it's OK thanks, she said "please can you take the three of us together?"... Hmmmmm! So this is even the reason she offered to help! 

People most times fail to realize that they do not exist in this world alone!  What will it cost you to be simple and approachable? The truth is that we do not suffice ourselves, you may not need that person you despise but you definitely need somebody. I may not be able to help you but someone else will definitely help you. Of course, I became their photographer while on another beautiful day, a friend of mine took this photo of me on that same background. 

The world is a complicated place for most persons because they do things for instant gratification, living only for the moment but as it is, life does not consist of the present alone but the future as well as the past. That a fellow is not in a position to help you today does not mean he will not tomorrow. Come to think of it, is it too much to put a smile on someone's face by giving a simple courtesy? Sometimes, it is not really in the big big things we do but in the little courtesies we offer. 

Life will be made simple by us and for us if we realize that we need each other and that whatever affects one in one way or the other affect others. If things are fine for the person next to you, you too will benefit but if the reverse is the case you will also be affected. Stop being hard on yourself and others, it won't cost you so much to be nice. Make it a point of duty to make someone smile today, tomorrow and always. 


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