Gone are those days I needed God to prove himself to me! I would say "oh God prove yourself that you are this or that you are that" I have come to understand that God is God irrespective of how I feel or think about him! He is 'I am'!
My situation does not and will not change God from being God and when he decides to be glorified in my situation, happy I am! So many times, we claim right as sons to demand and foster our will instead of the will of God!
"God you said this, you said that therefore do it for me as you have said for I am your son..." But honestly a son should be dead to his own will and will not do anything just because it is his right but because it is God's will for him
"...Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." Apostle Paul also had an understanding of this when he said
"All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not."
Some things are just not convenient for sons! Sons do not just seek comfort and a better life but that God be glorified in whatever is happening to them, through them and around them! If it is all for your sake, satisfaction, comfort, pride then, you have to check it and retrace your steps!
Every promise and every blessing entitled to you in his word is sure for you but as a matter of fact, it comes with timing and seasons!
And every season comes with a purpose, when the purpose for is season is fulfilled, God is glorified and you gain increase in capacity and stature and more is committed into your hands for a higher and greater purpose!
Believe me when I say everything is well programmed and there is no promise or blessing that is given to you for nothing, that is, God makes everything available that is needed in each season to fulfil his purpose.
It is unfortunate that most of the things we are struggling for are actually irrelevant to fulfilling God's agenda for us at this point in time!
It is very possible for one to refuse to grow or gain capacity and stature even after season and seasons by refusing to align with God's purpose and as such God cannot entrust to such a person the so much he has in stock for him or her!
Little wonder so many persons keep struggling even when they believe and confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour!
"Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors..."
It is my prayer for you this morning that you will learn to align yourself with God's plan at every point in time that you grow thereby!