- HAND WRITINGS OF REALITY: The passion of a youth


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Tuesday, 18 September 2018

The passion of a youth


As a young person, there is zeal burning inside of you, an involuntary eagerness that wants to know why, how and when of everything. It query's every opinion, instruction, believe and action! With a strong desire to try out things for yourself! With all your strength and vigor you feel you can attain any height, achieve your wildest dreams and you are tempted to think your parents are too weak if not they would have been greater people, they did not agitate over things like you. Therefore, you are 100% sure you will do better in life but little do you know that they once felt like this at a point in their life when they were young like you. Though, most of them never attained  the height they dreamt of with all the enthusiasm and anticipation, they became victims of unfulfilled dreams, dashed hopes. And I ask why? What was the problem? What went wrong? Of a truth, they were full of zeal but they lacked guidance or did not yield to any, of course they lacked experience at that time. Though, they were ambitious yet they lacked knowledge but they felt in charge like most young people today...

Life presents  so many things to you; as a young person there are so many choices and decisions to make and it always seem like you will forever be young but the shocker is that you have but a limited time, and there is actually no time for rehearsals. There is an aim for your life, when you live without the consciousness of that particular aim, you jump at everything life offers you as a youth, consuming your zeal on things that do not count! It takes discretion to design the needful from the needless! Moments put together, sums up into your entire time here on earth. So, be mindful how you spend your moments! You call it fun; when you spend your life the way you like, do the things you like and possess maximum freedom but there is actually more to life than fun! The days of your youth which are the days of strength, passion and zeal, are the foundational days of your life.

You may learn to accept for life what you cannot overcome as a youth, that which you fail to acquire now may cost you more in the future or elude you for life! When we talk about possessing reasonable values/principles, learning to use your time wisely, being cautious as a young man or woman, making wise choices, the manner in  which you relate with others, your character/attitude,  discipline etc, young people do not find it interesting even though these attributes are the basics for building an honourable life! If you fail to maximize that passion in your inside positively, it will definitely find expression and most times in negative ways! When you do not know what you should do or refuse to do it, you misuse your strength on things you should not do and of course, you don't expect the same outcome.

If your passion must be properly maximized, then, you must discover your purpose! What is purpose? It is simply the reason for something, the reason why you were created! It entails Pursuing the Ultimate Reason with all Perseverance, Overcoming every barricade, Succeeding and Excelling in life! Before you can live your purpose you must first discover it. Whether living or discovering purpose, dedication, focus and determintion is required! Desire knowledge, seek guidance and walk circumspectively as a yong man or woman. Passion not well directed and guided ends up in futility and sorrow. Remember, life is too short for rehearsals, be guided!


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