As a young African girl, i grew up with a sense of pride and dignity; my mama told me that a woman is the foundation and bed rock of her home, and the success of her husband, children and even the community lies in her hands. From childhood, chastity was instilled in me by everything around me; not just by my parents but the community at large. Many things were considered a taboo for a young woman like me. I was raised with the sole aim of becoming a formidable wife and mother! I was taught to be industrious; it was a common saying that the man provides for the home but my mama told me that without the support of the woman such provision is never enough! A woman she says is suppose to support her husband, manage that given to her for the home, contribute her quota no matter how little it maybe. She would always give this example; while your father comes back from the farm with yams, I come back with cocoyam. It is the duty of the woman to raise up the children to respect their elders and she never forget to tell me that the crown of a woman is her husband, she would always add, "you must give him all the respect because he is your pride."
As a young African girl, my virginity is not just my pride but my life! Yes! If I lost it I'm simply good for nothing. So, I'm suppose to protect it, cherish it and present it as a gift to the one who deserves it, my husband! Female circumcision was a tradition in place to ensure this was preserved. When it comes to beauty, we talk about nature, it was believed that every woman is endowed and beautiful naturally. If she is extremely beautiful she is termed a mermaind! Trust me, nature was the source of every costume, makeup etc used by an African woman and it was beautiful! Decision making belongs to the head of the family, the father of the home, a woman had no say in the home nor in the community. So, the affairs of the community was solely the business of the men.
It is crystal clear that in the African tradition, women had no place but in the kitchen. The woman knew her place and never over stepped her bound. The truth is that so many African homes succeeded, even when most husbands were polygamist yet, the women though lived in the same compound coordinated themselves in peace because they were subjects a little higher than slaves. Technology and civilization became the dawn of revolution; so many things changed but just like the African culture has it values and drawbacks so is the western culture. It is a beautiful thing that the western culture gave women a place not just in the home but in the society at large but my heart bleeds how homes are shattered, marriages end up in divorce because the woman is advocating for gender equality. As much as I want women to be given the chance and support to live their dreams too, I'm also of the opinion that we don't forget the place of order in the home. Hierarchy in the home does not mean a woman is inferior to a man but a tool of order.
As beautiful and elegant the western culture has presented fashion to us and made youthfulness fun and adventurous which is commendable yet, I weep when I see African ladies go naked in the street all in the name of fashion. It is amazing that the western culture gives a lady the opportunity to express her sexual feelings but I'm baffled how they go about these things these days. Promiscuity seems to be a thing of pride for the young women, our music, entertainment even relaxation depicts sexual immorality. What happened to the chastity of the African culture? "Good morals" is a thing of the past because the present day African girl is like a freed bird!
I could go on and on enumerating the negative influence of the western culture on the African woman, permit me to say that it is grievious! If only the Africa woman will recognize that she is unique and the best she can do is to improve herself, avoiding extremities, she will become that adorable woman she is meant to be! We are Africans, I believe in us! Let's make Africa great!
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