"Without integrity and honour, having everything means nothing"
Robin Sharma
In our contemporary days, "honour" is no longer what it use to be. In the past, noble men were honoured, people of integrity and honesty were held in high esteem but today our society seems not to recognize such values anymore! Rather, the wealthy, famous and influential are the most honourable people in our society!
Even when they lack values such as honesty, even when they are unfaithful and irresponsible, they are yet recognized and celebrated! The paradigm shift from values to material gain is the reason we bestow honour on those who do not deserve it. Honouring and celebrating people is like a compass pointing out the way to others. Instead of honour, noble men are despised and looked down on.
People even describe them as dull and inept weaklings and as such heroic acts are no longer seen in our societies because everyone is after money and riches which has become a measure for everything. Calvin Coolidge said "No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour has been the reward for what he gave." and I add, not just giving money but noble deeds!
Imagine, bravery is seen as an attribute of the rich, if you can make money whether legally or illegally you are brave!
"I would prefer even to fail with honour than win by cheating"
As much as we still have rich and wealthy people with good values yet, all our society of today sees is the money and nothing else. This is why our generation is a generation of cowards, where no one is willing to stand up for what is right. Greed has enslaved so many that they have exchanged honour for contempt and scorn.
By honouring people, we uphold them for others to emulate, when we honour the right people, others emulate goodness and every value upon which they build nobility! But when the wrong persons are honoured, we promote everything wrong and as well people take after them! Appreciate and honour noble people today and always!
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