- HAND WRITINGS OF REALITY: What Exactly Are We? Are We Friends Or Lovers?


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Saturday, 27 April 2019

What Exactly Are We? Are We Friends Or Lovers?


Hello to all the guys out there this morning! I will just go straight to the point, no need beating around the bush! What will you do when she thinks you two have something in common, I mean she sees you as her lover and you only see her as a friend? 

One guy said "it's her business that has nothing to do with me, I never asked her out neither did I tell her any day that I love her!" 

Meanwhile, a lady said "he must not voice it out, his actions clearly states that he loves me. He is nice to me and even goes out of his way to care for me!" 

Another lady says "I don't have to wait for him to love me, I love him and I'm very sure he will reciprocate my love in no time" 

To be candid, most ladies who have suffered heartbreak only became victims of their own delusions! A guy being nice does not insinuate that he wants something more and niceness is not a parameter that indicates nor measures love! 

A brother is nice so is a friend and a lover as well and in fact anybody can be nice so, it is not enough to be nice for you to call him your lover! 

Again, understanding the fact that relationship is mutual and defined by the commitment of the two of you to each other will save you from having false hope! Did he commit himself to you in anyway? Did he make any promise to you? What exactly are you holding onto? 

You will be gambling with yourself to assume that he loves you when he has not committed himself to you in anyway! You should recognize your place in his life, there is no need throwing yourself on anyone just because he is nice and cool! 

It is true that every woman wants a man that is caring, responsible and reliable but then, you should understand that not every nice guy will make a good husband for you! 

Someone once said "you don't let something good go" so some ladies think it is smartness to take advantage of friendship with a nice guy and cajole him into a relationship, you are not actually being smart but irrational! 

Even if he stood by you when you were emotionally down and needed someone to support you does not mean he is right for you neither does it insinuate that he is interested in you! 

Not until he comes boldly and ask for a relationship and you accept, do not harm yourself by assuming that you two are in a relationship! Meanwhile, if you think he is interested but lacks the courage to say it then, there are ways to find out! 

A simple but direct question like "what kind of a lady do you like to marry? Or what do you want in a woman? etc" can actually give you an idea of what he thinks of you and give him an opportunity to open up!

Whereas, if you two have become so close that you and even other persons around are thinking there is something going on between the two of you then, you should be bold enough to ask him to define your relationship!

What exactly are we? Are we friends or lovers? If you think it's absurd, I think it's reasonable because it will save you from unnecessary heartbreak!

Guys! That you never asked her out is not enough to justify yourself, you should define your relationship especially when you realize she is fast becoming emotionally attached to you! In so doing, you will save her a lot of trouble and exonerate yourself before any heart gets broken or shattered!

 Do not be careless about her emotions and feelings for you if not you will facilitate and strengthen her false hope without even knowing! Do you even realize that most girls personalize what you call pleasantries or politeness?

So, you should be careful how you call pet names or how you hug in the name of exchanging pleasantries! And don't always forget that the lady is an emotional being which means she analyzes things based on her emotions rather than reasoning!

 Ladies, you too should be able to define your relationship with any guy hovering around you! Let them know their position in your life and stop keeping anyone hanging on the fence! It will save you a lot of trouble!

I hope you will be mindful how you hangout this weekend! *winks* Happy weekend with lots of fun!


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