I have heard people say "listen to your heart, follow your heart" and it sounds as though the heart is so specific and accurate but the bible says the heart of man is deceitful and wicked...
The same heart most persons are counting on for right direction and sound decisions! When is it right? They say when it feels right but it is most times not right even when it feels right!
As a matter of fact, this has led many persons into pain and regret with great lamentation, if only I knew but how would I have known? they cry! The bible says "let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus..."
There is something special about that mind which was in Christ Jesus since, he didn't just do the things that are right and good but that which is the perfect will of God!
As much as we can not trust our lives and destinies with men even so we can not trust ourselves with it! The bible recorded that woe is he that put his trust in a man. Who then should man trust and rely upon for direction? God!
Is God willing to guide you? Obviously, he is willing and the scriptures even says that "the steps of a righteous man are ordered by God" so the issue is with us! It is either you are not righteous or you have refused to yield to his leading!
Believing in Jesus as your Lord and saviour automatically makes you righteous even though as you grow in him, you must ensure that the new man that is the righteous nature inside of you finds expression through your attitude and character.
By constantly learning of him and bringing your body under subjection! Meanwhile, some persons though they have accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour and are therefore righteous yet, they have failed or refused to surrender to him totally!
Therefore, they struggle with things and issues they ordinarily should not find difficult! The bible says "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
When you are directed by God then, you are certain even in the face of challenges! There is this peace of mind that keeps you stable even when the situation does not look like it!
Another thing is the safety that comes with walking in the path cut out for you by God and whatever the path maybe, you can always find strength from the one who is leading you!
Because some persons get to know the right thing to do but lack the strength to do it! Finally, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Let God lead you!
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