- HAND WRITINGS OF REALITY: Much More Than Required; Obligation, The Duty Of Mankind!


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Friday, 1 February 2019

Much More Than Required; Obligation, The Duty Of Mankind!


We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense.
Barack Obama

As much as it will cost you, do not fail to keep your commitment to a client, friend, blood etc even when it is the least of your priorities since you never know of what priority it is to them. A sole commitment to one's goal without a commitment to others is selfish and self-centered! 

As a matter of fact, our relationship with other people boils down to what we can do for others either for a price in cash or kind or out of benevolence! Even with a price, conscious and unconscious agreement, most relationships end up sour with the right of one person or the other infringed and trampled upon and one or both parties disappointed!

 As a result of irresponsible colleagues who fail to keep to their commitment. Though, sometimes, some dealings are not clearly defined yet, with responsible individuals such can be handled! Your inability to meet up with your obligation may be crumbling someone's entire world unknown to you! 

Giving excuses or complaints for your irresponsibility does not exonerate you in anyway! "I have been busy lately, I have so much on my head right now, I just forgot, something urgent came up..." Rather, your attitude only insinuates that you should not be trusted and that you are the wrong person for the job and any other job! 

It also shows lack of respect and value for those involved, whether formal or informal! Some people even go ahead complaining "if only I knew things will be this way, I would not have accepted in the first place, I did not charge you enough for this job, it is not what I expected, I may just have to back out..." 

It is true you have pressing issues as an individual but your obligation to other persons should not be taken lightly! We are not just responsible for ourselves but for those around us as well, learn to empathize with others more so, when your service is paid for! Taking advantage of people or taking them for granted may be a smart approach for you now but in no time the repercussion will follow!

 For everything we do is a seed which we must reap in due season and of course the more your betrayed and used relationships the lesser your opportunities! Keep to your commitment today, this month and always!



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