Imagine waking up each day, Monday to Friday especially and I just keep doing the same thing, in the same manner with the same results over and over again! As much as it is important to set goals and have targets, routine is no guarantee for achieving one's goal as some think. So many persons define routine as consistency but they are two different things, you can be very consistent without a routine and you can have a routine and not be consistent.
If for instance, my goal today is to write five pages of a book, the most important thing will be that I write those five pages, writing them in the morning or at night or two pages in the morning and three pages at night makes no difference. That is, however you go about achieving your goal should not be the issue, whichever way you do it in as much as you achieve your goal then, you are OK.
So many persons have been frustrated by daily routine especially with timing, it is less effective than you think. You jump out of bed in the morning, you say your prayers, rush out to prepare for the office. In the office you attend to papers, records, clients etc like you always do. By noon you go for a break and get some food or snacks for launch and you are back to continue from where you stopped.
By 4pm or there about, you are done for the day and you return home. You get something to eat and finally retire to bed and tomorrow you go over the circle again. You learn nothing new nor experience anything different, nothing challenges you except the usual and that which is common to you and as such your zeal and enthusiasm dwindles each day.
Soon you do everything just to fulfill all righteousness and working becomes uninteresting and frustrating, you simply just pass time especially when you are an employee. You start looking at your time, praying and hoping time will be a bit faster even when you just arrived the office, because you do not find your job interesting!
Even in your office, you can do things differently and achieve better results! Routine kills your interest and leaves you dormant! It hinders creativity and makes you less effective. Creativity gives you the opportunity to express yourself freely! Try do something different today!
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