As much as adulthood is characterized with responsibilities and adults are defined by their ability and capability to handle such responsibilities yet, all these has nothing to do with the complication that comes with adulthood. Life for an adult seems so complicated not because he is irresponsible but because of the self made limitations.
When he was a child he was so free not the freedom to do everything he wanted but he was free with his neighbours, friends and in fact everyone. He had no place to keep grudges, his intentions and motives were pure and sincere, his love was true and honest, he valued friendship and appreciated time and moments spent together, he carried others along and ensured none was left out.
The spirit of a child is free, boundless and sincere. It is not self-centered nor desperate but as man grows up, as he takes on those responsibilities expected of him, he gradually develops this attitude of "me and me alone" he becomes so conscious of himself and what he will benefit from everything.
Soon, he sees life as nothing but a competition. He is either doing so much to outshine another person or to bring down that person. This results in hatred, envy, lust, pride etc and as a result the life of man is full of unnecessary struggles and complications.
What happened to the sincerity, purity, love, honesty he once had as a child? Does it mean adulthood makes one cruel? The society taught him to be hard, selfish and dishonest. Do you remember as a child, how they compared you with the children in your neighborhood?
When you came home with an 11th position, they did not say "come on boy you can do better than this, you are much more than this" but they said "are you not ashamed of yourself? Your friend came top in his class, your mate took 1st position and blah blah blah".
Instead of simply correcting your mistakes and flaws back then, they refered you to another child in the neighborhood, class, church etc. Parents, teachers and every other person who instructed you were almost guilty of this.
You grew up with a competitive mindset that you have to do better than the next person if not you will be seen as a failure, you were taught to see life as a race against another instead of seeing it as a race against time.
You learnt life to be a game of cat and mouse so, relationships became nothing but a means to you, all you do is to take advantage of the people around you so as to climb to the top. Redefine your thinking, rebuild your relationships and value them as you should and it will amaze you how simple life can be.
The struggle is not about another but you, no one is good enough to be your standard but the ideal you! You don't have to make things so complicated for yourself, do have a great day!
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